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111-1 U2 How can we get to Taipei 101?

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  •  English    18     Public
    111-1 U2 Sentence review and practice
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Say the word in English.
    by metro  搭捷運
  •  10
  • Say the word in English.
    by train 搭火車
  •  10
  • Say the word in English.
    by car 搭汽車
  •  10
  • Say the word in English.
    by scooter 搭機車
  •  10
  • Say the word in English.
    by bike 騎腳踏車
  •  10
  • Say the word in English.
    on foot 走路
  •  10
  • How can I get to 7-11?
    You can get there on foot.
  •  15
  • How can I get to Taipei Zoo?
    You can get there by metro.
  •  15
  • How can I get to ZiQiang?
    You can get there by scooter.
  •  15
  • 我該如何去中正公園?
    How can I get to Chung Chang Park?
  •  15
  • How can you get to Gloria Outlet?
    I can get there by car.
  •  15
  • How can you get to Taipei 101?
    I can get there by bus.
  •  15
  • Can we get to Zi Qiang by scooter? (詳答)
    Yes, we can. We can get there by scooter.
  •  20
  • Can we get to Korea by plane? (詳答)
    Yes, we can. We can get there by plane.
  •  20
  • Can we get to Thailand by elephant?
    No, we can't. We can get there by plane.
  •  20
  • Can we get to Taipei Zoo by train?
    No, we can't. We can get there by metro.
  •  20