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Pollination & Seed Dispersal

  •  English    12     Public
    What is Pollen? What are Pollinators? Examples of PollinatorsDifferent methods of Seed Dispersal
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  • What is Pollen?
    Pollen is a powdery substance found inside of flowers that is needed to make seeds.
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  • What is a Pollinator?
    An animal that moves pollen from one flower to another.
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  • What are some examples of Pollinators?
    Bees, butterflies and birds are examples of pollinators.
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  • How to Animals help move seeds from one place to another?
    Some animals carry seeds stuck to their fur. Other animals eat fruit which has seeds inside and then they poop out the seeds somewhere else.
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  • How does Bee help move Pollen?
    Pollen sticks to the bee while it drinks nectar and when the bee travels to another plant to drink more nectar, some of the pollen rubs off.
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  • Why do plants need to move their seeds from one place to another?
    They need their seeds to grow in new places. It might be too shady right where a seed would fall from a plant. Plants can’t walk or move from place to place.
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  • Would a scientist consider a tomato a fruit or vegetable? Explain why.
    A scientist would consider a tomato a fruit because it has seeds.
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  • What is the sticky center of a flower called?
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  • What do scientist call the container that holds the flower's ovas (eggs)?
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  • How do bees help flowers?
    Bees help pollinate flowers, helping plants grow, breed and produce food. They transfer pollen between flowers.
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  • How do flowers help bees?
    Flowers produce nectar that bees eat. The nectar gives bees energy!
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  • What is a pollinator?
    Any animal that helps pollen get from one flower to another.
    A super hero
    A flower
    Any animal that eats only plants.
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