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    issues related to the crisis of the century
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  • he natural warming of the earth that results when gases in the atmosphere trap heat from the sun that would otherwise escape into space.
    greenhouse effect
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  • The greenhouse effect is a good thing. It warms the planet to its comfortable average of ??????????? degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius) and keeps life on earth, well, livable.
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  • Without greenhouse effect, the world would be a .............., uninhabitable place, more like Mars
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  • when was greenhouse effect identified?
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  • Sunlight makes the earth ...............
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  • Increased greenhouse means less ...................escape.
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  • Cars and trucks are responsible for more than 80 percent of ???-related carbon emissions.
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  • Since the start of the Industrial ????, more than 2,000 billion tons of carbon dioxide have been released into the atmosphere by human activities
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  • ....................occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants and greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface.
    global warming
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  • In the United States, the burning of ......................... to make electricity is the largest source of heat-trapping pollution, producing about two billion tons of CO2 every year
    fossil fuels
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  • Melting ................. early snowmelt, and severe droughts will cause more dramatic water shortages and increase the risk of wildfires
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  • Rising ...................will lead to coastal flooding
    sea levels
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  • In recent years, ...................has taken the lead in global-warming pollution, producing about 28 percent of all CO2 emissions
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  • ...................comes in second in global warming pollution.
    The USA
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  • Every human being has to take..................against climate change.
    precaution, action
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  • The area without oxygen in the oceans is called ...............
    dead zone
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