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Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences (Chemistry)

  •  English    25     Public
    IGCSE Science
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  • Which gas is used in the Haber process to manufacture ammonia and fertilizers?
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  • Which gas fills bags of chips and snacks to make sure the food doesn't go rancid from exposure to oxygen?
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  • The atmosphere is 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. Name the next three most common gases.
    argon (.9%) carbon dioxide (.04%) neon (.002%)...water vapor also OK (0%-3%)
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  • What do you call a base that is soluble in water?
    an alkali
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  • How can we summarize a neutralization reaction?
    acid + base -> salt + water
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  • What kind of reaction occurs when an acid is mixed with a base?
    a neutralization reaction
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  • Each plant grows best in certain pH soils. Which prefers more acidic soil, potatoes or onion?
    potatoes (prefer 4.5-6.0, whereas onions prefer 6.0-7.5)
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  • How can excessively acidic soil be dealt with?
    It can be neutralized with lime (calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide, calcium carbonate=limestone, or chalk).
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  • How can excessively alkaline soil be handled?
    Add peat, compost or manure
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  • Name one of the substances commonly referred to as "lime".
    calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide, calcium carbonate=limestone, or chalk
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  • Why are these hydrangea flowers different colors?
    Each one is a pH indicator.
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  • Why might someone swallow the insoluble magnesium hydroxide?
    It is an antacid.
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  • What do ALL metal oxides and hydroxides do?
    They all neutralize acids, whether soluble or not. They are bases.
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  • Most bases are insoluble in water. Name a common alkali, a base that IS soluble.
    sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide (limewater), ammonia (ammonium hydroxide)
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  • Which letter is bases and which letter is alkalis?
    A is alkalis. B is bases.
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  • What is NaOH?
    sodium hydroxide (lye)
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