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Science 5 Midterm exam review

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  •  English    25     Public
    2nd midterm exam topics: mixtures, light
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  • A conglomerate rock is an example of a (mixture/solution)
  •  15
  • Cooking oil and water is an example of a (mixture/solution)?
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  • Why is a chocolate bar is considered a solution?
    The components are difficult to distinguish from one another; the properties are the same for any part of the chocolate bar
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  • Which separating mixture method is shown below?
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  • Which separating mixture method is shown below?
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  • Which can be separated through magnetism? (Gold from rice; Iron from sulfur; dust from air)
    Iron from sulfur
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  • Which can be separated through sieving? (Oil & water; Flour & rice grains; Fine salt from sand)
    Flour & rice
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  • Name at least 2 separating mixture method to make clean water out of this:
    Hand picking; filtration; evaporation; condensation; distillation
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  • Name all luminous objects: firefly; sun; moon; glass; torch; mirror
    Firefly; sun; torch
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  • Light from a light source ___________ an object so that we can see the object (Blocks / Reflects off / Shines on)?
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  • Are the light rays' directions correct in the diagram? Why or why not?
    Not correct. The light ray arrow should be from the source to the object, then object to the eyes
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  • Which of the following diagrams are incorrect?
    Diagrams 1 & 6 are incorrect. Angles are not equal
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  • How many degrees is the angle of reflection in this diagram?
    40 degrees!
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  • Stained glass is an example of a/an ________ object (transparent/translucent/opaque)
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  • The angle of incidence is denoted by angle ___________________.
    Angle B
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  • Are clouds opaque, translucent or transparent?
    Clouds can be opaque, translucent and transparent. It depends on the amount of water vapour/ droplets they have.
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