Game Preview


  •  English    19     Public
    I Branch Thee
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The right to hear a case
  •  15
  • When all justices on the Supreme Court are in agreement
  •  15
  • A view on a case which the justices write down.
  •  15
  • When a justice disagrees with the majority
  •  15
  • The winning side in a case (the opinion of most justices)
  •  15
  • When a justice agrees, bur for a different reason.
    Concurring opinion
  •  15
  • How many justices are on the Supreme COurt
  •  10
  • What is the job of the Judicial Branch?
    Interpret the law
  •  10
  • A case which is used to set an example or rule
  •  15
  • John steals money from his employer. Where would this case be heard.
    State trial.
  •  20
  • John steals money from his employer and loses in state trial court. He argues that he should get a new trial because Wisconsin law was not followed. Where would the case go?
    State appeal court.
  •  20
  • Billy is charged with counterfeiting. Where would this case go?
    Federal trial (district)
  •  20
  • Jane sues the school district for violating her 1st Amendment rights. Who has jurisdiction here?
    Federal COurt
  •  20
  • Wisconsin sues Minnesota for pollution which kills fish in the Saint Croix River. Where is this case heard?
    Supreme Court
  •  20
  • The idea that the Judicial Branch can declare laws and actions of the executive Unconstitutional
    Judicial Review
  •  15
  • Marbury V. Madison established the principle of judicial Review (t or f)
  •  10