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Identify the Acid

  •  English    9     Public
    Given the formula, name the acid.
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    acetic/ethanoic acid (the organic acid found in vinegar)
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    methanoic acid (organic acid in ant and nettle stings)
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    lactic acid (organic acid in sour milk)
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  • C6H8O7
    citric acid (organic acid in lemons, oranges, other citrus fruits)
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  • H2CO3
    carbonic acid (mineral acid in fizzy soft drinks)
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  • HCl
    hydrochloric acid (mineral acid used for cleaning, also found in stomach)
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  • HNO3
    nitric acid (mineral acid used in fertilisers and explosives!)
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  • H2SO4
    sulfuric acid (mineral acid in car batteries; also used in making fertilizer, paints, detergents)
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  • H3PO4
    phosphoric acid (mineral acid in anti-rust paint, fertilizers)
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