Game Preview

2nd grade 2021

  •  English    14     Public
    Clothes, months, rooms, furniture, Winnie stories
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Name five things you wear in the summer.
    Shorts, flip flops, sunglasses, t-shirt, sandals...
  •  15
  • Name five things you wear in the winter.
    Coat, scarf, gloves, boots, hat...
  •  15
  • Name five things you have in your school bag.
    Notebook, pencil case, books, pencil, rubber...
  •  15
  • Name five rooms in the house.
    Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, hall...
  •  15
  • What four things can you find in the bathroom?
    A bath, a toilet, a washbasin, a shower...
  •  15
  • What four things can you find in the kitchen?
    An oven, a sink, a cooker, cupboards, a fridge...
  •  15
  • What do these animals say? Goose, hen, horse, hog and ladybird.
    hiss, cluck, neigh, oink, never a word
  •  15
  • What is Winnie wearing?
    Winnie is wearing a coat, a scarf, a hat, gloves, socks and boots.
  •  15
  • Name the four seasons.
    Spring, summer, autumn, winter.
  •  10
  • Name the first six months (1-6).
    January, February, March, April, May, June.
  •  15
  • Name the second six months (7-12)
    July, August, September, October, November, December.
  •  15
  • What's the weather like today?
    It is sunny and warm.
  •  10
  • What is black in Winnie's house?
    Everything: the bed, the sheets, the blankets, the bath, the chairs...
  •  15
  • What colour is Wilbur? What is the problem?
    Wilbur is black. The chair is black. When Wilbur is sleeping, Winnie can't see him so she sits on him.
  •  15