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CAE Body Idioms

  •  English    13     Public
    Body idioms from Unit 15 in Obj Adv.
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  • My mate Steve is always........with DIY work around the house. me a hand...
  •  20
  • Fiona is never paying attention. She's got........
    ...her head in the clouds.
  •  15
  • Go home, chill out, ........ and have a beer. It's all you can do right now!
    ...put your feet up...
  •  15
  • My daughter, Amelia........ while she's running around, getting into trouble and causing a mess all the time!
    ...keeps me on my toes...
  •  15
  • I've read your report on the current situation and I can see the problem. I ........ to your suggestions to improve the situation. all ears...
  •  15
  • Why is everyone screaming? It's only a firedrill, this is getting.....
    ...out of hand!
  •  15
  • I'm not sure what's going on with Delia, she seems to have a lot on her mind. Don't ask her directly, but maybe you should........and see if any information comes up.
    ...keep you ear to the ground...
  •  15
  • It's incredibly rude to talk about someone .................., especially if it's something that you wouldn't say to their face.
    ...behind their back... (to talk behind someone's back)
  •  15
  • If you've done something wrong, be ready to ................. at a collegue before you get into trouble!
    ...point the finger...
  •  15
  • He never shuts up! He could... the hind legs off a donkey!
  •  15
  • He passed by the... of his teeth.
  •  15
  • Tha answer is on...
    ...the tip of my tongue...
  •  15
  • I'm not sure why that's right, so I'm going to .............., because I think they'll know it better than I do.
    ...pick someone's brain...
  •  15