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Adverbial Phrases

  •  Portuguese    8     Public
    Adverbial Phrases
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  • Should he hide it under his pillow or should he hide it behind the painting on the wall?
    under his pillow, behind the painting ion the wall
  •  25
  • He had to hide the money as it was loot from a robbery he had committed with two other accomplices a week ago.
    with two other accomplices a week ago
  •  20
  • In the end, he decided to bury it in his backyard.
    in his backyard
  •  15
  • First, he wrapped the money in a handkerchief.
    in a handkerchief
  •  15
  • Then, he put it in a thick blue bag.
    in a thick blue bag
  •  15
  • Next, he dug a hole under the ground.
    under the ground
  •  15
  • He placed the bag in the hole and covered it with sand and plants.
    in the hole, with sand and plants
  •  25
  • Finally, he threw away all the tools used for the task into the rubbish bin.
    into the rubbish bin
  •  15