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Stay x be x get

  •  English    42     Public
    Practice the use of stay x get x be
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • I am going to ___ at home tonight.
    be / stay
  •  15
  • I ____ hungry yesterday after all that exercise.
  •  15
  • look at my white hair! I am ____ older!
  •  15
  • I ____ confused about these verbs.
    am / was
  •  15
  • I ___ tired right now. I didn´t sleep well last night
  •  15
  • I always ___ worried when I have too many tasks to do
  •  15
  • when do you ____ irritated?
  •  15
  • what would you do if you ____ rich overnight?
  •  15
  • I ___ ____ older in a week. It´s my birthday next friday!
    will be / will get
  •  15
  • He needed to ____ at the hotel until the rain passed
  •  15
  • will you ____ at home this holiday?
    stay / be
  •  15
  • I will ____ at the beach next weekend with my friends.
    be / stay
  •  15
  • I am doing a lot of exercises. I will ____ thin.
  •  15
  • study (make a question to your classmate)
  •  15
  • worried (make a question to your classmate)
  •  15
  • smarter - make a question to your classmate
  •  15