Game Preview

Choices and consequences

  •  English    14     Public
    Identify positive and negative outcomes of choices
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • On the weekend, Brian's Mom is always telling him to do this or do that. But he feels too tired to do anything. How should he handle this?
    Do as he is asked, go to bed early so he isn't as tired, break the tasks down
  •  15
  • You are on the playground at recess and someone throws a ball that is meant to go over you, but hits you in the head. Name 2 ways you can handle this.
    Stay calm, I feel statement, talk to an adult
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  • Your room has clothes and toys all over the floor. Mom asks you to clean it up. What could happen if you choose not to?
    Get grounded, lose technology, time out
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  • A bunch of kids stood on the side of the road throwing snowballs at passing cars. What could happen?
    break a window, cause an accident
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  • Lenny's grades are terrible. What could he do to improve them? What consequences could he receive at home for bad grades?
    Study more, ask for help - get ground lose privileges
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  • John bumped Kayla in the hall. Kayla grabbed a pencil and poked John. What could happen?
    Someone could get hurt, they could get in trouble
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  • Russell wants to go to his friends house. When he asks his mom, she says no. Russell keeps asking her hoping she will change her mind. What could happen?
    Mom will get mad and not change her mind
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  • Your mom tells you can no longer play video games during the week. You don't think that is fair. Name 1 positive and 1 negative choice you could make.
    Positive - accept the new rule Negative - argue/become angry
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  • Charlie always disrupts class. He shouts out with out waiting to be called on and doesn't follow directions. What consequences could he face at school?
    phone call home, principal, loss of recess
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  • A friend invited you to their house while you are at school. You deicide to ride the bus home with them. What could happen?
    People think you're missing, people might worry, get in trouble at home
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  • Ramon studied hard for his test, but got almost all of the answers wrong. What should he do next?
    Ask for help at school or home
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  • Charlie's little sister takes one of his toys and breaks it. Name 1 positive way to handle this situation and 1 negative way.
    Positive - stay calm negative - yell or fight
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  • Someone spreads a rumor about you. How do you handle this?
    Talk to the person, ignore, talk to an adult
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  • Share a time when you wish you had made a different choice. What did you choose? What would you choose if you could go back in time?
    Any shared choice
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