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M1 - ENLL - Sci Fi game

  •  Catalan    15     Public
    M1 - ENLL - Sci Fi game
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  • Which movie is this?
  •  15
  • This type of story always has a happy ending.
    Fairy tale
  •  15
  • Sci fi stories combine science and ................
  •  15
  • These are the magic numbers in fairy tales.
    3, 7
  •  15
  • Science fiction is different to fantasy because .........
    fantasy is based on magic but science fiction is based on science
  •  15
  • Give three examples of technology used in science fiction movies/stories
    Space ships, robots, aliens, mutants, zombies, transportation/teleportation devices.
  •  15
  • What movie is this from?
  •  15
  • Give three examples of settings used in sci fi movies/stories
    Another planet Under the oceans Another dimension of space May be in the future May take place in the present but in an alternate reality Time travel
  •  15
  • Name three types of characters you can find in sci fi stories
    Robots, aliens, humans, creatures, zombies
  •  15
  • Give two examples of sci-fi movies and explain their plot
    1. Stories involving humans traveling in time or space (back to the future, star wars) 2. Humans against robots (Terminator)
  •  15
  • Give 5 examples if fairy tales
    Aladdin, Cinderella, Snow White, Jack and the beanstalk, Princess and the pea ....
  •  15
  • Name 4 of the 7 elements in fairy tales
    Magic, magic numbers, hero and villain, beginning/ending, conflict, resolution, morals
  •  15
  • What movie is this?
    The Terminator
  •  15
  • Science fiction stories are always completely unbelievable - True/False
    False - they must contain some thing "possible" - unbelievable = fantasy
  •  15
  • Which movie is this character from?
    Star Wars
  •  15