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The Life Cycle of Flowering Plants

  •  English    20     Public
    Pollination, fertilisation, plant life cycle
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Flowers attract animal by their ... and ….
    nectar, scent, colorful petal
  •  25
  • Female parts of flower consist of ... and ...
    Ovary, stigma
  •  20
  • Sycamore seed dispersed by flying because it has ...
  •  15
  • The ... produce pollen.
  •  10
  • The poppy fruit dispersed the seed by ...
  •  5
  • Process when pollen meets the egg in ovary is called...
  •  15
  • Plants that dispersed the seed by floating is ....
    Mangrove, coconut
  •  15
  • Example of seed that stick on animal fur is ....
    Black jack
  •  15
  • Parts of flower that protect buds is ...
  •  15
  • How many unit for EASE 1
  •  15
  • Give 2 examples of pollinators
    Bee, beetle, butterfly
  •  15
  • Fruit that eaten by luwak is ...
    Coffee bean
  •  15
  • Plant seed that can fly is ...
  •  15
  • Process when seed is spread to get enough space, nutrition and light is called ...
    Seed dispersal
  •  20
  • Flowers pollinated by insects usually have ...
    brightly colored, scented petal and nectar
  •  25
  • Toto found a flower that make lots of pollen, not brightly colored and do not have petals or scent. This flower is pollinated by ...
  •  20