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Farsang celebrations in Hungary

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    Farsang celebrations in Hungary
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  • When does Farsang start?
    On the last day of Christmas which is the 6th of January.
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  • How is Farsang called in the other parts of the world?
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  • What is Farsang the combination of?
    Christian traditions and old pagan rituals.
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  • Farsang is symbolic of...
    saying goodbye to winter and looking forward to spring.
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  • When does the Farsang period end?
    On Ash Wednesday, the start of the Christian fasting period.
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  • According to Hungarian tradition, when do families usually throw out the Christmas tree?
    On January 6th.
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  • What is Farsang Farka (the tail of Farsang)?
    The last three days of the Farsang period.
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  • How long is the Lenten fasting period for Christians before Easter?
    It is 40 days long.
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  • How can you celebrate Torkos Csütörtök in Budapest?
    Restaurants offer a 50% discount so you can eat and drink.
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  • What is held every second year in Budapest?
    The International Circus Festival.
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  • What carnivals in the world are similar to Busójárás?
    The Rio Carnival and the Venice Carnival.
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  • Which Hungarian town is the home of Busójárás?
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  • Busójárás is recognised by UNESCO as an...
    Intangible Cultural Heritage.
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  • What do men wear during the Busójárás?
    Scary wooden musks with big teeth and horns, dressed in furry sheep's skin.
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  • What might happen to you at the Busójárás if you are a woman?
    You might be chased and scared in a playful way by the scary "Busók".
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  • As a part of pagan rituals, what is burnt in a large bonfire on Shrove Thursday?
    The Farsang coffin.
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