Game Preview

ENA 1-2 texts 9 or 10 and 11

  •  English    20     Public
    A game about words, expressions, questions, opinions,...
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Describe your first home all by yourself!
  •  15
  • How would you describe our school in 3 sentences?
  •  15
  • Tell me something about your school mates! What is the atmosphere like in your class?
  •  15
  • Did you perform in a school play or a musical production? Were you nervous before the performance? How did it go?
  •  15
  • Were you ever sent to the principal’s office? Why? What happened there? Or did you have to stay behind at school for some reason? Why?
  •  15
  • TRANSLATE: En tajunnut, että elin unelmaani
    I didn't realize that I was living my dream.
  •  10
  • TRANSLATE: 9/ Kansalaisina meillä on oikeus sanoa, mitä ajattelemme.10/Njau, kenialainen maahanmuuttaja Britanniassa, ansaitsee elantonsa tullivirkailijana lentokentällä.
    9/ Kansalaisina meillä on oikeus sanoa, mitä ajattelemme.10/ Njau, a Kenian immigrant in Britain, earns his living as an immigration officer at the airport.
  •  10
  • TRANSLATE: 9/Meidän täytyy ennakoida ja keskittyä tulevaisuuteen. 10/En ollut valmistautunut vastaamaan isoisän kysymyksiin.
    9/ We have to think ahead and focus on the future. 10/ I wasn't prepared for answering grandfather's questions.
  •  10
  • TRANSLATE: Kun olin sinkku, ahdistuneisuuteni turmeli elämääni.
    When I was a single, my anxiety ruined my life.
  •  10
  • EXPLAIN the word dizzy!
  •  5
  • EXPLAIN the word revelation!
  •  5
  • EXPLAIN the word annoyed!
  •  25
  • EXPLAIN the word baggage -reclaim area!
  •  15
  • EXPLAIN the word hatred!
  •  15
  • EXPLAIN the word purpose!
  •  15
  • Tell me something about a good experience in a PE lesson.
  •  15