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Basic Psychological Needs

  •  English    18     Public
    Definitions according to the reading
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What do classroom communities need to provide?
    a space where students feel safe and welcomed by the teacher and their classmates
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  • How is developing a good relationship with the students related to discipline?
    students have fewer discipline problems
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  • What do fewer discipline problems in class indicate?
    more students are engaged and motivated in the work they are doing
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  • What does belonging or connective mean?
    to develop the community of our classroom to create a place where everyone is an active member with a purpose and reason for being a part of the learning proces
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  • What do power and competence relate to?
    the ability to do something successfully
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  • What do students need to be competent and successful individuals?
    the confidence, skills, and tools
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  • What do students taking risks indicate?
    they feel confident they have the tools necessary to achieve and master new skills
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  • What are the important parts of mastering skills?
    modeling and feedback
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  • Give an example of power or competence.
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  • Why is it important to have freedom?
    as humans we want the freedom to make choices and be a part of the decision making process
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  • How do we include learners in the decision making process?
    the students determining the classroom rules for the academic year or could be as simple as what topic they will write their essays about or as thoughtful as de
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  • Why is it very important for students to have freedom or a voice in class?
    are more they are invested in the work they are producing for that classroom and thus more motivated
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  • What does an enthusiastic teacher bring to class?
    passion, excitement, pleasure, and joy to the classroom
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  • Why is so important to have a fun element in class?
    emotional engagement and enthusiasm can increase student participation, interest, curiosity, and motivation
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  • What element of fun can you add to your class, or have you added to one of your classes?
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  • Why the basic psychological needs are so important for everyone?
    With these needs fulfilled our students will always be motivated
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