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QUARTER 2 MODULE 1: Electronic Structure of Matt ...

  •  English    24     Public
    Week 1 to 2 Review
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  • What is this atomic model and who proposed it?
    Billiard Ball Model - John Dalton
  •  10
  • What is this atomic model and who proposed it?
    Quantum Mechanical Model - Erwin Schrodinger
  •  10
  • Who proposed that all particles could be treated as matter waves?
    Louie De Broglie
  •  5
  • What are electron orbitals?
    Dense regions where there is 90-95% probability of locating an electron
  •  15
  • What does the Heisenberg Principle states?
    It is impossible to know the exact position and energy of an electron at the same time
  •  15
  • What does the SPDF orbitals stand for?
    S-Sharp, P-Principal, D-Diffuse, F-Fundamental
  •  10
  • What are the FOUR Quantum Numbers?
    Principal QN, Angular Momentum QN. Magnetic QN, and Spin QN
  •  15
  • What is the main purpose of Quantum Numbers?
    Determines the location and energy of an electron within an atom
  •  15
  • What does the Pauli Exclusion Principle states?
    No two electrons in the same atom can have identical values for all four of their quantum numbers
  •  15
  • What is the difference between an Orbital, a Subshell and a Shell?
    Shells - orbitals with the same n, Subshells - all orbitals with same n and shape, Orbitals - specific regions in a subshell
  •  25
  • Give 3 characteristics of metals
    Ductile, Malleable, Lustrous, Lose electrons (form Cations), Good conductors
  •  10
  • Give 3 characteristics of nonmetals
    Poor conductors, Gain electrons (forms anions), Dull, Brittle
  •  10
  • Give 3 characteristics of metalloids
    Semiconductors, in between metals and non metals
  •  10
  • The energy required to remove an electron from an atom in its ground state.
    Ionization Energy
  •  5
  • The power of an atom to attract electrons to itself
  •  5
  • A simplified representation of the valence shell electrons in an element or molecule
    Lewis Electron Dot Structure
  •  5