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Review of beg Perek 44 - Mikeitz & VaYigash

  •  English    25     Public
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  • (א) What did יוסף command should be put in the brothers’ bags?
     As much food as they could carry, and their money
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  • (ב) What should be done with בנימין’s bag?
    Put יוסף’s silver cup by the opening of his bag.
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  • (ד) When did יוסף send for the brothers to be chased?
    They had not yet gone far from the city
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  • (ד) What was the “chaser” supposed to say to the brothers?
    Why did you pay back good with bad!?
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  • (ח) How did the brothers defend themselves?
    We returned money back from ארץ כנען, why would we steal gold/silver?
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  • (ט) What did the brothers say should happen if one of them stole the cup?
    The one who the cup is found with should die, and we will all become slaves.
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  • (י) What did the man respond about how they should be punished? (רש"י)
    In truth, you should be punished as you said – all of you should become slaves. But I will be nice and only make the one who stole the cup into a slave.
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  • (יב) How did he search for the cup? Why? (רש"י)
    From oldest to youngest. So they wouldn’t realize that he knew where it was.
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  • (יג) How did the brothers react when the cup was found?
    They tore their clothes, reloaded their donkeys, and headed back to the city.
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  • (יג) What do we see from how they loaded their donkeys? (רש"י)
    They were strong and didn’t need to help each other.
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  • (יג) What do we learn from how the פסוק describes מצרים? (רש"י)
    In regards to war, it was considered in their eyes like a small city of 10 people.
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  • (יד) What do the brothers do when they return to the house of יוסף?
    Throw themselves on the floor before him
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  • (טו) What does יוסף say to them?
    “What have you done? Didn’t you know I could figure out what you did?”
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  • (טז) How does יהודה respond to יוסף?
    “How can we defend ourselves? ה' has found the sin of your servants! We will all be slaves!”
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  • (יז) What does יוסף answer back to יהודה?
    "It is not fitting for me to make all of you slaves! Only the one with the cup will be a slave; the rest of you go in peace to your father!”
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  • (יח) Why does יהודה say that יוסף shouldn’t get angry? (רש"י)
    He was going to speak strongly to יוסף
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