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POLS-Y103 Exam 1 Review

  •  English    37     Public
    Chapters 1-4; specific concepts that will appear on Exam I
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  • What is the main benefit of a constitutional government?
    Gov. is limited by the rule of law
  •  15
  • Which part (Article/Section) lists the expressed powers of the US federal gov.?
    Article I, Section 8
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  • T/F: In comparison to the Articles of Confederation, federalism under the Constitution has led to a greater centralization of power.
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  • Which clause of the Constitution contains the source of the implied powers of the federal gov.?
    Necessary & proper clause, also called the elastic clause (Article I, Section 8)
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  • What did the case of "Mapp v. Ohio" result in?
    The exclusionary rule being applied to the state
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  • What is the exclusionary rule?
    Illegally obtained evidence can not be used in court/legal proceedings
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  • The phrase "one person, one vote" refers to the concept of:
    Political equality
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  • The power of the president to veto a bill is an example of _____
    Checks & balances
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  • The rights of disabled individuals to access public businesses is guaranteed by which act?
    The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990
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  • What resulted from the ruling in "Plessy v. Ferguson"?
    Established the "separate but equal doctrine" & promoted/validated the practice of segregation
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  • Which amendments from the Bill of Rights are the "due process" amendments?
    4th, 5th, & 6th
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  • What did the 15th Amendment do?
    Gave voting rights to African American men
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  • What did the 10th Amendment do?
    Gave all powers that were not detailed in the Constitution to the states/the people (reserved powers)
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  • Which Amendment relates to Miranda rights/the Miranda rule?
    5th Amendment
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  • Which Amendment refers to the right to bear arms?
    2nd Amendment
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  • What are some of the freedoms listed in the 1st Amendment?
    Freedom of the press, assembly, petition, religion, speech
  •  15