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POLS-Y103- Bill of Rights Review

  •  English    10     Public
    Review of the first 10 Constitutional Amendments
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 1st Amendment
    Right to freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, & petition
  •  15
  • 2nd Amendment
    Right to bear arms
  •  15
  • 3rd Amendment
    Protects against citizens housing soldiers (from the British occupation during the American Rev.)
  •  15
  • 4th Amendment
    Protects against unlawful searches & seizures (must have a warrant)
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  • 5th Amendment
    Protects against self-incrimination & provides due process of law
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  • 6th Amendment
    Right to a speedy & public trial, impartial jury, a lawyer, & the right to take the stand/cross examine the state's witnesses
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  • 7th Amendment
    Right to a jury trial (as opposed to just a judge)
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  • 8th Amendment
    Protects against cruel & unusual punishment
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  • 9th Amendment
    Non-rights amendment: one's constitutional rights cannot be used to infringe upon someone else's
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  • 10th Amendment
    Non-rights Amendment: rights not granted specifically by the Constitution are reserved for the people & the states (example: imposing state taxes)
  •  15