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Age of Discovery

  •  English    40     Public
    Discoveries and the results, Reformation, 16th century England, The English Civil War, The country of the Sun King.
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  • Why did the discoveries start?
    Europe needed a new route to India.
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  • Who was Bartolomeu Dias?
    A Portuguese explorer who started his journey in 1487. He reached the southern part of Africa, then turned back.
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  • When did Christopher Columbus start his journey?
    in 1492.
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  • Who supported Columbus?
    The Spanish queen.
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  • Columbus was the first person to believe that...
    the Earth was not flat but round.
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  • Why did Columbus name the inhabitants Indians in the new land?
    Because he taught he had been in India.
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  • Who was Amerigo Vespucci?
    He proved that Columbus had discovered a new continent, that is why they named it America.
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  • How did Ferdinand Magellan prove that the Earth was round?
    He circum-navigated it.
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  • Who set up colonies first in South America?
    Spain and Portugal.
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  • What did the Native Americans become after Europeans arrived in America?
    They became slaves.
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  • The Inca Empire was in today's...
    Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Columbia
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  • What is the name of the spectacular town in the Inca Empire?
    Machu Picchu
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  • Who led the Spanish invaders that destroyed the Inca Empire?
    Francisco Pizzaro
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  • Where did the Aztecs build their temples?
    On the top of pyramids.
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  • Why did the Aztecs sacrifice people?
    To please their gods.
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  • When was the Aztec Empire destroyed? What was the name of this Spanish conquerer?
    in 1519, Hernán Cortés
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