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Apologizes at work

  •  English    13     Public
    Apologize to these situations
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  • You have been 15 minutes late to work everyday this week.
  •  15
  • You told your fellow co-workers that Cindy is bad at her job, and nobody should look to her for help. Cindy found out and is now upset.
  •  15
  • Your co-worker lent you her keys but you lost them.
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  • You are a week late on giving your boss the presentation he requested you do.
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  • You invited the entire team out for a meal, but left out one co-worker because you don't like them. They feel secluded and not part of your team.
  •  15
  • You were meant to call HR, but completely forgot.
  •  15
  • You told your boss that you would bring the documents he needed to the meeting. You have just arrived to the meeting without them.
  •  15
  • It's your job to check all the electrics are turned off at the end of your shift but you forgot to turn off the lights and they were left on all weekend until Monday.
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  • Instead of asking for help to use the printer, you ended up breaking it trying to figure it out by yourself.
  •  15
  • It's your job to pay the WiFi bill but you forgot and now the entire office is without internet.
  •  15
  • Your co-worker asked you to cover a shift for her, which you agreed to do but never turned up for that shift.
  •  15
  • You forgot to invoice a customer, now the company is down $1000
  •  15
  • You didn't have money to get home, instead of asking for someone to help you, you took $5 from the till and were going to replace it the next day but you got caught.
  •  15