Game Preview

Have you ever ...?

  •  English    17     Public
    A game to have fun and to know each other better
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • ... re-gifted a Christmas gift
  •  15
  • ...bought a Christmas gift for yourself
  •  15
  • ...eaten more than five Christmas cookies in one day
  •  15
  • run into a sliding glass door
  •  15
  • worn my underwear outside my pants
  •  15
  • ...eaten a bug
  •  15
  • ... accidentally called a teacher "Mom"
  •  15
  • ... lost a library book
  •  15
  • ... cried during a movie
  •  15
  • ...used someone else's toothbrush
  •  15
  • ...eaten food off the floor
  •  15
  • ... licked your plate clean
  •  15
  • ...shopped for clothes in the boys' section
  •  15
  • ... played a joke on one of my teachers
  •  15
  • ... forgotten to flush the toilet
  •  15
  • ... been talking to yourself outloud
  •  15