Game Preview

How to Defeat Unthinkables

  •  English    14     Public
    Students will match Unthinkables with ways to defeat them.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Take a deep breath and remember that being part of a group means that you cannot always do it your way or make the decisions you want.
    Rock Brain
  •  15
  • Use your eyes to think about where your group is or who is talking to you, and find the group! Ask yourself "where should my body be?"
    Body Snatcher
  •  15
  • Use one-arm rule to determine if you are standing too close to someone.
    Space Invader
  •  15
  • Identify the size of the problem (1-10) and what would be an expected reaction to match the size of the problem.
  •  15
  • Turn your body and eyes away from what is distracting you and think about the person talking.
    Brain Eater
  •  15
  • Look at the person who is talking to let him know that you rethinking about him and what he is saying.
  •  15
  • Tell yourself "If I am a 'Just Me' player, then my friends will not have a good time." Or "Tiny problem. I will still get a turn or may win another time."
    D.O.F. Destroyer of Fun
  •  15
  • Thank about how the person treats you. Is he friendly or mean to you? If this person is friendly to me then he is not being mean to me. Tell yourself: "I am being negative. What could be a positive way to think about it?"
    Grump Grumpaniny
  •  15
  • Check-in with those around you. Does it look like they are interested in what you are saying? if not, ask a question about what they might want to talk about.
    Topic Twistermeister
  •  15
  • Self Talk: "Is now a silly moment or a serious moment?" If a serious moment, then this is not a good time to crack a joke or say something that I think is funny.
  •  15
  • Check in with your eyes and see how the rest of the group is acting. Try to match how calm the other kids are with their bodies. Take a few deep breaths to calm your body.
    Energy Hare-y
  •  15
  • Think with your eyes to figure out what the person's plan is. If he looks busy, save your question for another time.
    One-Sided Sid
  •  15
  • Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Continue to do this until your body feels relaxed and is not worried anymore.
    Worry Wall
  •  15
  • Think about what you are going to say before you say it. Ask yourself, "Will this hurt my friend's feelings?"
    Mean Jean
  •  15