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Articles of Confederation & U.S. Constitution Er ...

  •  English    46     Public
    Review of key facts on the Articles of Confederation and U.S. Constitution.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What does amend mean?
    to change in a formal way
  •  5
  • What is federalism?
    The sharing of power between the state and national government
  •  15
  • What is the introduction to the Constitution called? What are the first three words?
    the Preamble; "We the People"
  •  15
  • Repbulicanism gives the people what power?
    Power to vote
  •  10
  • What are the five freedoms protected by the 1st amendment?
    Freedom of religion, assembly, petition, press, and speech
  •  20
  • What amendment provides protection from cruel and unusual punishment?
    8th amendment
  •  10
  • Why did the framers of the Constitution create a government with 3 branches?
    to prevent the abuse of power; so that no branch would become too powerful
  •  10
  • What does the 4th amendment provide protection from?
    no unreasonable searches or seizures
  •  10
  • What amendment prohibits the quartering of troops?
    3rd amendment
  •  10
  • What is the significance of the year 1787?
    The U.S. Constitution was written
  •  10
  • What is the duty of the judicial branch?
    to interpret the laws
  •  10
  • What philosopher introduced the idea if unalienable rights?
    John Locke
  •  15
  • What did the Anti-Federalists demand that be added to the Constitution?
    a Bill of Rights
  •  10
  • What amendment provides protection for the right to bear arms?
    2nd amendment
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  • What does the 7th amendment provide protection for?
    right to a jury trial in civil cases
  •  15
  • What was the name of essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay to persuade Americans to ratify the Constitution?
    The Federalist Papers
  •  10