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ID the Color Scheme

  •  English    10     Public
    Color Schemes
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  • These colors are opposites and sit across from each other on the color wheel.
    Complementary Colors
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  • A color scheme that uses only one hue and the tints and shades of that hue for a unifying effect.
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  • Color scheme made up of colors that sit side by side on the color wheel and have a common hue.
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  • These colors are created by mixing two primary colors together.
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  • Colors that cannot be produced by mixing other colors together.
    Primary Colors
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  • This color scheme uses three colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel.
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  • A color scheme that uses four colors made from two pairs of complementary colors.
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  • These colors are vivid, energetic, and seem to move toward the viewer.
    Warm colors.
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  • These colors give a feeling of calm and seem to recede, or move away, from a viewer.
    Cool colors
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  • Made by mixing all three primaries or any two complementary colors together.
    Neutral Colors
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