Game Preview

Industrial Age

  •  English    20     Public
    Industrial Age
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The 1892 Homestead Strike was..
    managers at Andrew Carnegie’s steel plant cut people’s wages (money) to weaken the union.
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  • What is a standard gauge?
    A standard width for railroad tracks.
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  • Before the year 1880, railroad tracks were made of...
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  • A monopoly is...
    one company that controls an industry.
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  • Which of the following people created the Standard Oil Monopoly?
    John D. Rockefeller
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  • Andrew Carnegie established what?
    A large scale steel production.
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  • The Knights of Labor and The American Federation of Labor are most associated with...
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  • One of Thomas Edison’s major accomplishments was...
    helping to create the lightbulb and making electricity more widely available.
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  • The assembly line had which of the following effects?
    It had people repeat the same one job all day.
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  • A corporation was..
    a type of business in which people buy stock in a company.
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  • Workers went on strike to protest wage cuts. The plant closed, but another union refused to work on Pullman cars. Courts ordered workers back to work and federal troops forced workers to work and many were jailed. This was the...
    Pullman strike of 1894.
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  • Who created the Model T?
    Henry Ford
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  • What were the three factors of production?
    Labor, Capital, and Land.
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  • Samuel Morse
    Invented a machine that sent and received messages and created Morse Code.
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  • Helped Improve Railroads
    Air Brakes, The Pullman Sleeping Car, Janney Car Couplers, and Refrigerator cars made it easier and safer to transport goods and people.
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  • Edwin Drake
    Had the idea that Oil was in the ground. Despite what people said, he dug and found Oil and hit it rich.
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