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Two Days With No Phone--Finding Text Evidence

  •  English    7     Public
    Finding Textual Evidence
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What effect might too much texting have on a student's relationships?
    "Some people also worry that because teens text so much, they don't spend enough time talking with others face-to-face>"
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  • What is "sleep texting"?
    "Sometimes teens even send texts filled with nonsense words when they don't wake up all the way."
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  • What evidence shows what "adolescents" mean in the paragraph with Dr. Dowdell's quote about sleep needs?
    "If they regularly lose sleep, she adds, teens may start having trouble in school."
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  • Which student, Kenny or Franchesca, is more likely to text less in the future than they did before the experiment?
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  • What evidence from the text demonstrates that the student you chose for your last answer will most likely text less in the future than before they did the experiment?
    "Franchesca decided to continue the experiment for a while."
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  • Provide, at least, three pieces of text evidence to prove that a teen may have a "texting addiction".
    "Thinking you hear your phone ring or vibrate, even though it is not there"
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  • What text evidence proves that text "addiction" is a physical and emotional problem with many teens?
    "One in five people experienced changes in their bodies or emotions"
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