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Niki's post Oxf Engl Tr unit 2

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    Niki's post
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  • deal is a taking big exams final the the really why
    Why is taking the final exams a really big deal?
  •  15
  • deal leaving big really secondary is a school
    Why is leaving secondary school a big deal?
  •  15
  • presents our cool parents us often giving celebrate by it
    Do our parents often celebrate it by giving us cool presents?
  •  15
  • university I into got
    Did I get into university?
  •  15
  • would tablet my new parents they a me buy say
    Did my parents say they would buy me a new tablet
  •  15
  • been hard long how really working have I
    How long have I been working really hard?
  •  15
  • campaign kids school start a our in
    Did kids in our school start a campaign?
  •  15
  • persuade want to they parents
    Do they want to persuade parents?
  •  15