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Verbs/nouns with the same form

  •  English    9     Public
    Choose the correct stress pattern
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Do you (SUSpect / susPECT) your boss in committing some crime?
  •  5
  • Would you like to get a (PERmit / perMIT) to enter the president’s residence?
  •  15
  • Do you have a personal (REcord/reCORD) of yours?
  •  5
  • Do you often (PREsent/preSENT) some ideas and (PROjects / proJECTS ) at your workplace?
    preSENT/ PROjects
  •  10
  • Who do you think is the main (SUSpect/susPECT) in most detectives: a gloomy person, a talkative person or the person that everyone (SUSpects / susPECTS)?
    SUSpect / susPECTS
  •  10
  • Do you think the prices in Europe (DECrease / decREASE) or (INcrease / inCREASE) year by year?
    decREASE / inCREASE
  •  10
  • Do you think a country should pay more attention to IMport/imPORT or EXport/exPORT of goods?
  •  10
  • Do you like to REcord/reCORD videos? What are they about?
  •  10
  • Do you ever watch documentaries that PROject/ proJECT the future of humanity? What predictions have you heard?
  •  10