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CIA 1 review 2

  •  English    32     Public
    Review for Social Studies CIA
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Which era did Jamestown begin?
  •  15
  • Why did the French colonize North America?
    Trade fur with Native Americans
  •  15
  • Why did Spain colonize North America?
    To spread Catholic missions
  •  15
  • Why did England colonize North America
    for religious and social reasons
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  • Where were Europeans initially trying to go during the Exploration Era?
  •  15
  • Why did Europeans explore?
    wealth, territory, religion and empires
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  • What social contract was signed by the Pilgrims?
    Mayflower Compact
  •  15
  • Why did colonists form their own governments?
    They were too far from Great Britain
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  • Why did the 3 colonial regions have different economies?
    They had different geographies
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  • Why did James Oglethorpe found Georgia?
    To block Spain and give debtors a fresh start
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  • What colonies' economies centered around tobacco?
    Southern colonies
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  • What did Europeans send Africans under Triangular Trade?
    Manufactured goods
  •  15
  • What did Americans send Europeans under Triangular Trade?
    raw materials
  •  15
  • What did New England export?
    Fish, ships, and lumber
  •  15
  • Which region exported agricultural goods?
    Middle Colonies
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  • What religious group found a haven in Maryland?
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