Game Preview

Prim Col 4 units 2A+

  •  English    14     Public
    and Stonehenge
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • are past in we think the you
    Do you think we are in the past?
  •  15
  • Clock dropped Time the Greg Travel
    Did Greg drop the Time Travel Clock?
  •  15
  • want Greg said I to home go
    Did Greg say I want to go home?
  •  15
  • when Travel hit the only Clock it Time works I
    Does the Time Travel Clock only work when I hit it?
  •  15
  • going us where it take is to
    Where is it going to take us?
  •  15
  • terrible the was why noise
    Why was the noise terrible?
  •  15
  • thousands they ago years disappeared of
    Did they disappear thousands of years ago?
  •  15
  • ground them something near lands the on
    Does something land on the ground near them?
  •  15
  • with hill was a a on spears there group people of
    Was there a group of people with spears on a hill?
  •  15
  • air filled the the smoke
    Did the smoke fill the air?
  •  15
  • kilometres London is of the in Stonehenge from 130 about England south
    Is Stonehenge in the south of England, about 130 kilometres from London?
  •  15
  • rising circle the to was the entrance sun the over exactly
    Was the sun rising exactly over the entrance to the circle?
  •  15
  • see coming can winter are spring you autumn when summer and
    Can you see when summer, spring, autumn and winter are coming?
  •  15
  • year you the of can days tell shortest which and are longest the
    Can you tell which are the longest and shortest days of the year?
  •  15