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G7 Hadith 2: Speaking Good and Hadith 3: Good De ...

  •  English    14     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • List some practical ways you can implement the hadith of speaking good or remaining silent.
    1. Pause before responding in heated moments, 2. Think whether what you're abt to say will help/harm the situation. 3. If u feel unsure, choose silence.
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  • Who are considered neighbors in Islam?
    -Not just people living next door, but anyone within a reasonable distance, including Muslims & Non Muslims. (Acc. to scholars- neighbors=40 houses away).
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  • What are some examples of being kind to one’s neighbor?
    helping in times of need, sharing food or gifts, checking on their well-being, respecting their privacy, and avoiding any harm or disturbance etc.
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  • Mention a hadith about the importance of looking after neighbours using the keyword/prompt given : broth/ soup
    If you cook broth, use plenty of water…..and pour out some of it for your neighbour
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  • Mention a hadith about the importance of looking after neighbours using the keyword/prompt given : HEIR
    Jibreel continued to advise me abt neighbours, until I thought he would make them my heirs
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  • Mention a hadith about the importance of looking after neighbours using the keyword/prompt given : FEELING UNSAFE
    Prophet (s) said: He does not believe!....the person whose neighbour does not feel safe from his harm…
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  • How does Islam emphasize on the hospitality of guests while also making sure of the rights of the hosts?
    3 days have been given to the guest. After which the host is not required to treat them in any special manner, and if he wishes he can even ask him to leave…
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  • What are examples of "good speech"?*
    kind words, advice, encouragement, teaching others beneficial knowledge, making dua, words of concern, gentle corrections, reminders, advise etc
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  • Explain the importance of speaking good & remaining silent.
    1. Tied directly to our imaan in Allah and Last Day. 2. Words have great power.... (Refer Worksheet/Notebook for full answer)
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  • Complete the hadith: Abu Hurayrah (r) narrates that the Prophet (s) said: Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should......
    speak good or remain silent. Whoever believes in Allah & Last Day shud treat neighbors well. Whoever believes in Allah & Last Day, shud be hospitable to guests
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  • Complete the hadith: Abu Dharr (r) narrates that Allah's Messenger (s) said: i) Have Taqwa of Allah..........
    ...wherever you may be and ii) follow up a bad deed with a good one in order to erase it, iii) and be well mannered in your relationships with people.
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  • What does "Fear Allah wherever you are" imply?
    1. We shouldn' limit our awareness of Allah's presence to certain places like masjids or religious gatherings. 2. ToAvoid habit of being good only specific tmes
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  • Explain why Prophet (s) advised to do a good deed immediately after you did a bad one.
    i) 1good deed= 10times, 1bad deed=1 sin. So the value of our good deeds can wipe out effects of bad one. ii) good deeds can outweigh on DOJ and earn us Paradise
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  • Why is the advise of following up sins with good deeds important in a believer's life?
    This is bcz no matter how good we may be, we will make errors. (Add hadith on every son of Aadam-a sinner...) ii) Best form of Tawbah is one followed by actions
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