Game Preview

Islamic Brotherhood, Excellence of Muslim Nation

  •  English    17     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Complete the hadith: The people of Paradise are _____rows, this Ummah takes up ____ of them
    120, 80
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  • Complete the hadith:Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Allah, ﷻ has said: For those who love one another for the sake of My Glory, there will be seats of light (on the Day of Resurrection), and they will be envied by the ________________________
    Prophets and martyrs
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  • Complete the hadith:___________ on Mon and Thurs, and then every slave is granted _________(of _____sins) if he does not associate with Allah in worship. But the ones who had ______ for the other, won't be pardoned. It'll said about them __
    Deeds are presented / Gates of Paradise are opened, forgiveness, (minor), grudge/rancor, Delay their matter until they reconcile
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  • Complete the hadith : Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Prophet, ﷺ, said, “Be merciful to others, and __________________. Forgive others, and _____________________.”
    you will receive mercy , Allah will forgive you
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  • Give 3 examples of not holding grudge against those who wronged us
    1) Prophet ﷺ forgiving people of Tai’f, 2) Abu Bakr ؓ forgiving his relative who was involved in slander of A’aisha ؓ, 3) Yusuf (a.s) forgiving his brothers
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  • Whoever defends the honor of his Muslim brother _________________________ [Muslim].
    .......Allah shall protect his face from Hell-Fire on the Day of Resurrection."
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  • When a Muslim visits a sick Muslim at dawn ___________________________. If he visits him in the evening, _______________________; and he will have _____________in Jannah
    seventy thousand angels keep on praying for him till dusk, seventy thousand angels keep on praying for him till the morning , a garden of reaped fruits
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  • Complete : The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Do not nurse grudge against one another, nor jealousy, nor enmity...... It is not lawful for a Muslim to avoid speaking with his brother ________________"
    beyond three days.
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  • State the hadith about covering the faults of one's Muslim brother / sister.
    “Whoever conceals the faults of his Muslim brother in this life, Allah will conceal his faults on the Day of Judgement.”
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  • State the hadith about forbidding evil on 3 levels.
    “Whoever among you sees some evil should change it with his hand, if he can't do that he should try to stop with his words and if that too is not possible,.....
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  • “None of you truly believes until he loves _____________________________”
    for his brother what he loves for himself
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  • Reconcile the ideas presented in the two hadith : A Muslim is a mirror to another Muslim v/s Conceal the faults of your Muslim brother Allah will conceal yours on DOJ
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  • Give examples of how we can be sincere to our fellow Muslim brothers/sisters.
    1) sharing and encouraging good, 2) genuinely wanting to correct them, 3) maintaining their honor by correcting privately, 4) u choose for them what u wud for
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  • Explain how we fail to stop the wrong because of various FEARS.
    1) At times, we fail to stop the wrong because of fear. This includes fear of being harmed, being judged or mocked, offending someone etc.
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  • Explain how we fail to stop the wrong because of GIVING UP.
    At times we give up on certain people because we feel they are stubborn or because they are incapable of understanding. However, guidance is a matter of hearts.
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  • Explain how we fail to stop the wrong because of NEGLIGENCE or being TOO BUSY.
    At times we are too engrossed in our own affairs or we don't feel the need to stop the wrong. This is because we don't see it as a duty.
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