Game Preview

CSI Week 2 Review

  •  English    23     Public
    computer sci/start of school year
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Protection from being observed or tracked by others, including the government, companies, the public, individuals or groups.
  •  15
  • Small text files placed on your device by the sites you visit that collect information about your device and your activity.
  •  15
  • Choices a website or app might give you about what information is visible to other users and third parties
    Privacy settings
  •  15
  • To choose to not participate in something
    Opt out
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  • A legal document that an app or website must provide and that describes what user information they collect and how they use it
    Privacy Policy
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  • Which is NOT a tip for protecting your privacy?
    Turn off cookies in your browser settings
    Creating content of social media like sharing feeling or pic
    Review the privacy policy and the terms of service
    Review the app's privacy setting and opt out
  •  15
  • A type of crime in which your private information is stolen and used for criminal activity
    Identity theft
  •  15
  • Describe two ways thieves can use others stolen online information.
    cyperbully, creating false doc., buying thing with others $, getting loans, jobs, or driver's licence
  •  15
  • An attempt to trick someone online, usually with the intention of stealing money or private information
    Internet Scam
  •  15
  • When someone poses as an institution, like a bank or a school, and sends you a personalized message asking you to provide private information
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  • A type of web address that has been condensed and that could potentially mislead a user into going into risky website
    shortened URL
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  • When something happens that makes you feel uncomfortable, worried, sad or anxious
    red flag feelings
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  • Sharing personal feelings, info, or experiences that you later make the sharer feel uncomfortable or regretful
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  • The name of the program and website that we will be using to learn to code this semester.
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  • The name of the first video game consul and game I had at home as a kid.
  •  15
  • The name of the first educational game I was allowed to play in school?
    Oregon Trail
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