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Ana's vocabulary

  •  English    29     Public
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  • A queda de energia durou várias horas.
    The power outage lasted for several hours.
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  • Ela é muito antenada em tecnologia e rapidamente consertou o problema no computador.
    She is very tech-savvy and quickly fixed the computer issue.
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  • Encontramos uma solução alternativa para o erro do software.
    We found a workaround for the software bug.
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  • Após a atualização, tivemos que reiniciar o sistema.
    After the update, we had to reboot the system.
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  • A tempestade deixou muitas vítimas em seu caminho.
    The storm left many casualties in its wake.
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  • O comentário parecia inofensivo, mas causou alvoroço.
    The comment seemed innocuous, but it caused a stir.
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  • As instruções eram claras e diretas.
    The instructions were clear and straightforward.
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  • O novo software foi implantado em todos os dispositivos.
    The new software was deployed across all devices.
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  • O acordo de paz encerrou anos de conflito.
    The peace settlement ended years of conflict.
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  • O fazendeiro criava gado em sua fazenda.
    The farmer raised livestock on his ranch.
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  • A cidade ficou sob cerco por meses.
    The city was under siege for months.
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  • A rebelião levou a mudanças políticas significativas.
    The uprising led to significant political changes.
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  • Os moradores tinham um suprimento escasso de comida.
    The villagers had a meager supply of food.
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  • O ditador foi derrubado pelos militares.
    The dictator was overthrown by the military.
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  • A vila foi invadida por bandidos.
    The village was raided by bandits.
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  • As embarcações estavam ancoradas no porto.
    The vessels were anchored in the harbor.
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