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MVP (Mass, Volume, Property)

  •  English    21     Public
    A review on mass, volume, and property of matter.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • It is the space taken by matter. What is it?
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  • It is the amount of matter in an object. The heavier the object is the more it has it. What is it?
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  • Does this object have more volume or less volume?
    less volume
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  • If the object is bigger, it takes up more space. The more space it takes up the more ________ it has.
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  • A color is one of the properties of matter. What is the color of this object?
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  • Which object has more mass?
    The baseball
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  • If the object is big, it has less volume. Is the statement true or false?
    False, bigger objects have more volume.
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  • If the object is heavy, it has less mass. Is the statement true or false?
    False, heavier objects have more mass.
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  • The toy truck has an irregular shape. A shape is an example of property. Is the statement correct or not?
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  • This inflated balloon is an example of matter. It is big but it is very light. Does this balloon have more mass or more volume?
    More volume
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  • Which has more mass? The rock or the paper?
    The rock because it is heavier.
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  • Give a property of this matter.
    Its a cube/It has different colors
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  • Which has more volume? The paper bag or the rock?
    The paper bag has more volume because it is bigger.
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  • What is this object made from?
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  • What is this object made from?
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  • This is a wooden chair. Where does the wood come from?
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