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Fiqh of Sawm and Zakah

  •  English    22     Public
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  • What are the 4 conditions for fasting?
    1. Need to be a Muslim, 2. Above the age of puberty, 3. Physically able. 4. Not a traveller
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  • List the broad categories under which we list various kinds of fasts.
    Wajib, Mustahab, Mubah, Makrooh and Haram
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  • Which fasts are considered Wajib? (Hint: 4 kinds of fast fall in this categories)
    1. Fasting in Ramadan, 2. Kaffarah, 3) Nadhr (vows) 4. Making up for the missed fasts
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  • Which fasts are considered Mustahab? (Name 3)
    Fasting on day of Ashura, Day of A'rafah, Mon and Thursdays
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  • Which fasts are considered Haraam? (Name 2)
    1) On day of Eid ul Fitr, 2) During Tashreeq days
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  • Give the translation of the dua'a that is recited while breaking fast.
    The thirst has gone and the veins have moistened and the reward is confirmed, if Allah wills
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  • What is the social benefit of fasting?
    Experience of hunger enables us to empathize / relate with the poor and encourages us to help them.
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  • What is the spiritual benefit of fasting?
    Increases taqwa and trains us to strive and sacrifice in the way of Allah.
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  • What would the Prophet (s) break his fast with?
    Fresh dates, dried dates, or water
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  • People will remain happy and prosperous as long as they ________________
    Hasten to break their fast
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  • Mention any one hadith about suhoor
    Take suhoor for there is BARAKAH in it
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  • The intention to fast should be made before Fajr in case of compulsory fasting. True or False?
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  • Sighting the moon is ______________
    Fard Kifaayah
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  • Mention any 2 virtues of Taraweeh
    1) it is a means of gaining Allah's pleasure. 2) it is an opportunity to seek Laylatul Qadr which equals to 1000 months of worship
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  • List any 2 attitudes / reminders a believer should have regarding his wealth
    1. The wealth that I have is not MINE, it has been GIVEN to me. 2) When I spend for Allah my wealth DOES NOT DECREASE, it only gets transferred.
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  • List any 1 attitude / reminder a believer should have regarding his wealth
    1) When I spend on those in need for Allah's sake I am not doing a favour on them. I might be more in need of them than they are in need of me
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