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Guess Who

  •  English    12     Public
    Try to guess who I am talking about! It's based on the card available at website.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What’s the meanign of Eve’s name? (Genesis 3:20, ft)
    Vivente | Living One
  •  5
  • What is the name of the children of materialized angels and the daughters of men before the Flood?
    Nefilins | Nephilim
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  • God put two trees in the garden of Eve. How were they called?
    A arvore da vida e a arvore do conhecimento | “the tree of life” and “the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.”
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  • How can we imitate Noah’s example when we receive guidance through Jehovah’s organization?
    Por obedecer | By obeying
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  • How long it took to the waters of the Flood to subside?
    150 dias | 150 days.
  •  15
  • How long the rainbow covenant last?
    Eternamente | Eternally
  •  5
  • What relationship was there between Abraham and Lot? (kinship)
    Uncle and nephew
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  • What good example did Abraham’s arrangements to Isaac wedding set for Christians nowadays who want to get married?
    Casar somente no senhor | To get married “Only in the Lord.”
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  • What was the name of Rachel’s last son? Tip: he’s the one she died giving birth to.
    Benjamim | Benjamin, meaning “Son of the Right Hand.”
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  • How did the Hebrew midwives show respect to the sanctity of life?
    Não matando os bebês menino no parto | By not killing the babies when they were born.
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  • How did Jesus showed that is okay to cry over the death of loved ones?
    By crying when seeing the suffering that Lazurus death had caused.
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  • How far did the preaching work reach, as predicted in Acts 1: 8?
    Até a parte mais distante da terra | “To the most distant part of the earth"
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