Game Preview


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    2학년 6과 말하기 듣기 복습 문제
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  • 다음 문장을 영어로 옮겨보세요. (나는 이번주 토요일에 피아노 콘서트를 갈 계획이야.)
    I'm planning to go to a piano concert this Saturday.
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  • 다음 질문에 이어질 응답으로 알맞은 것은? (Q.I'm planning to see a soccer game next Friday. What about joining me?)
    That sounds great.
    OK. What's up?
    The game starts at 1 o'clock.
    What are you going to do next Friday?
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  • 다음 문장을 영어로 옮기면? (회룡 역에서 9시에 만나자.)
    Let's meet at 9 at the Hoeryong subway station.
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  • 다음의 철자를 바르게 배열하여 나오는 단어는?(benothxiii)
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  • 'I'd love to.'는 어떤 표현의 줄임말 일까요?
    I could love to.
    I should love to.
    I would love to.
    I had love to.
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  • 다음 중 의미가 다른 표현은?
    I can go with you if you want to.
    What about joining me?
    Do you want to go with me?
    Can you join me?
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  • 다음 장소를 영어로 하면?
    Amusement Park
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  • 영화의 장르(Genre)를 5가지 영어로 이야기해보세요.
    Horror, Romance, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Animation etc.
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  • 다음 중 단어와 의미가 잘못 연결된 것은?
    amusement park - 놀이공원
    museum - 박물관
    exhibition - 전시회
    ticket office - 티켓넣는 곳
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  • 교과서 103쪽에 등장하지 않는 단어는?
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  • (True or False) Kate and Minho are going to go to the Van Gogh exhibition this Sunday.
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  • (True or False) Van Gogh is Minho's favorite painter.
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  • 다음 중 문법적으로 어색한 문장은?
    You can go with us if you want to.
    How about join me?
    What time and where should we meet?
    The concert begins at 7 o'clock.
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  • 다음 표현과 의미가 바르게 연결되지 않은 것은?
    See you then. (그때 보자.)
    Nothing special. (특별한 건 없어.)
    That sounds great. (그거 좋은 생각이야)
    Don't forget our plan for this Sunday. (이번 일요일 우리 계획을 알려줘)
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  • 표와 관련된 설명으로 옳은 것은?
    'Spider-man' is showing three times a day.
    'Titanic' is an action movie.
    The genre of the movie 'Star Wars' is science-fiction.
    'Star Wars' showtimes are 12pm and 5pm.
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  • 다음 문장을 한글로 해석해보세요. (I'm planning to go to the Van Gogh exhibition at the National Art Museum)
    나는 국립 예술 박물관에서 하는 반고흐 전시회에 갈 계획이야.
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