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First 22 names

  •  English    25     Public
    Names of Allah Az wa Jal
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The able
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  • The All Pardoning
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  • The Ever Living
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  • if we want anything to be beautiful in our life, whether our faith, character, words, families, homes, even our face, we should ask Allah to beautify it.
    الجميل - The most beautiful
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  • Allah is الغفور الغفار الغافر What is the difference?
    الغفور the most forgiving ...الغفار the all forgiving...الغافرthe forgiving
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  • the al mighty
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  • If we believe in this names, we love Allah the most
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  • Have Higher hopes and think the best and the highest with Allah
    العلي الأعلى المتعال
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  • From His generosity, He replaces the sins to good deeds and is happy when the slave repents and returns back to Him
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  • Love is in the Hands of Allah, we cannot make others love us. When we fix our relationship with Allah, then all other relationships will be fixed because the hearts are in His Hands.
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  • The lord of leadership - The Nuturer
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  • He is perfect in His richness and is in no need of a partner, support, child, food, drink, sleep or praise, unlike us who are poor to food, sleep, drink and oxygen. He is in no need of our worship, but we are in need to worship Him
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  • He is the One Who overcomes all and puts everything in its place.
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  • Allah sees the conditions of His slaves and He is All - Aware of them. He sees the turning of the hearts and what they conceal, and He sees the betrayal of the eyes. None of the acts of the slave are hidden from Him..
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  • If all of mankind and the jinn asked Allah at the same time, each having a different request in a different tongue and dialect, He would hear them all without mixing up a sound with another sound, or a language with another language..
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