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Latin 1st declension NOM/ACC

  •  English    16     Public
    Latin 1st declension nom/acc singularité/plural
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  • agricola ancillam amat.
    The farmer loves the slave-girl
  •  10
  • agricola ancillas amat.
    The farmer loves the slave-girls.
  •  25
  • agricolae ancillam amant.
    The farmers love the slave-girl.
  •  15
  • agricolae ancillas amant.
    The farmers love the slave-girls.
  •  25
  • filia silvam intrat.
    The daughter is entering the wood.
  •  15
  • incolae vias aedificant.
    The inhabitants are building roads.
  •  25
  • poeta deas laudat.
    The poet praises the goddesses.
  •  20
  • nautae hastas portant.
    The sailors are carrying spears.
  •  25
  • domina ancillas vocat.
    The mistress is calling the slave-girls.
  •  15
  • ancillae dominam spectant.
    The slave-girls are watching the mistress.
  •  15
  • The girl likes the poet.
    puella poetam amat.
  •  15
  • The girl likes poets.
    puella poetas amat.
  •  20
  • The girls like the poet.
    puellae poetam amant.
  •  25
  • The mistresses watch the slave girls.
    dominae ancillas spectant.
  •  25
  • The sailors are preparing arrows.
    nautae sagittas parant.
  •  25
  • The queen praises the inhabitants.
    regina incolas laudat.
  •  25