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Mercury, Venus and Mars

  •  English    13     Public
    Let's revise the first planets in our Solar System.
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  • How long does it take to Mercury orbit the sun?
    Mercury makes a complete orbit around the Sun in just 88 Earth days.
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  • How long does it take to Venus orbit the sun?
    One day on Venus lasts 243 Earth days!
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  • What kind of planet is Mercury?
    Mercury is a rocky planet.
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  • What is Mercury's daytime temperature? 430ºC, 330ºC or 530ºC?
    Daytime Temperatures can reach 430 degrees Celsius.
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  • What is Mercury's temperature at night? -120ºC, -180ºC or 200ºC?
    Temperature can drop to -180ºC at night.
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  • What is the temperature in Venus? 300ºC, 365ºC or 465ºC?
    The planet’s surface temperature is about 465 degrees Celsius.
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  • When was the first mission to Mars? 1965 or 1995?
    The Mariner 4 Flyby mission was in 1965.
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  • Which is the furthest planet from the Sun?
    Neptune is the furthest planet from the Sun.
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  • Which is the biggest planet in the Solar System?
    Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System.
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  • How many planets are there in our Solar System?
    There are 8 planets in our Solar System.
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  • What is the name of our natural satellite?
    The Moon is our natural satellite.
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  • What is the distance from the Earth to the Moon? 384.400 km or 156.350 km?
    The distance to the Moon is 384.400 km.
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  • What is Mars' average global temperature? 60 degrees Celsius or minus 60 degrees Celsius?
    Minus 60 degrees Celsius. Some places are colder and some are hotter.*
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