Game Preview

리딩파워 Ch.2

  •  English    12     Public
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  • 3번 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
    Parents should provide the opportunity for their children to make their own decisions through sports.(스포츠를 통해 자녀가 스스로 결정을 내릴 수 있는 기회를 제공하라.)
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  • 8. Nor is the often repeated definition of the 'average gamer' particularly useful. 해석
    평균적인 게임 참가자에 관한 흔히 반복적으로 하는 정의도 역시 특별히 유용하지 않다.
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  • 4. The torch race took place in ancient Rome. (T/F)
    F. in ancient Greece.
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  • 6. Michael Jordan wanted to be a baseball player. (T/F)
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  • 6. It was just a matter of neurology and physiology. 가 의미하는 바는? (영어로 답하기)
    It means that Michael had trained his brain, nerves, and muscles to play basetball.
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  • 7. According to the passage, what can nature be a place for?
    relaxation, self-reflection, and intense concentration and the development and application of considerable skills in activities like fishing and hunting.
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  • 8. The media generalize about the players of online games. How do the media generalize them?
    The media generalize the online game players by giving the unfavorable nicknames.
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  • 12. According to the passage, what role has sport played?
    Sport has integrated the groups which have been excluded like women, ethnic minorities, and disabled people.
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  • 10. What characteristic does digital games have?
    They offer game players the dynamic engagement with content unlike other traditional media.
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  • Tom's brother who lives in New York is a doctor. / Tom's brother, who lives in New York, is a dortor. 두 문장의 차이점 말하기
    제한적 용법 / 비제한적 용법
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  • 11. How has the notion of shopping changed?
    The notion of shopping is extended to an activity interwined with leisure and entertainment.
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  • 5. What are advantages of journal writing for athletes? (3가지 말하기)
    in-depth thinking, raising awareness, reflection on their experiences, considering new perspectives, avoiding previous mistakes, sorting out other problems.
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