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C5 Revision Plant growth and Earth's movements

  •  English    22     Public
    Revision for finals
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  • Why do trees growing together grow taller than those growing alone? 为什么一起生长的树比单独生长的树长得更高?
    They share light, food, and space.他们共享光线、食物和空间。
    They protect each other.他们互相保护。
    They compete for light, food, and space.它们争夺光线、食物和空间。
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  • Choose 2 places where plants would grow well. 选择 2 个植物生长良好的地方。
    Sunny garden. Concrete path. 阳光明媚的花园。 具体路径。
    Sunny garden. Well-watered lawn .阳光明媚的花园。 浇水良好的草坪。
    Well-watered lawn. Desert. 浇水良好的草坪。 沙漠。
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  • Choose 2 places where plants would not grow. 选择 2 个植物不会生长的地方。
    Concrete path. Desert. 具体路径。 沙漠。
    Concrete path. Well-watered lawn. 具体路径。 浇水良好的草坪。
    Oasis. Sunny garden. 绿洲。 阳光明媚的花园。
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  • Plants grow well when ...当...时植物生长良好
    they have fertile soil and cold conditions 他们有肥沃的土壤和寒冷的条件
    they have fertile soil, warmth, and water 他们有肥沃的土壤、温暖和水源
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  • In a scientific investigation, what is observation. 在科学研究中,什么是观察?
    Explain what you have observed. 解释你所观察到的情况。
    Look and notice differences and similarities 观察并注意差异和相似之处。
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  • In a scientific investigation, what is prediction? 在科学研究中,什么是预测?
    Recording your observations.记录您的观察结果。
    Guessing what you think will happen.猜猜你认为会发生什么。
    Asking yourself questions.问自己问题。
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  • Seeds will germinate best ...种子会发芽最好...
    in warm conditions.在温暖的条件下
    in the cold.在寒冷中。
    without water.没有水。
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  • What is the scientific name for when seeds start to grow? 种子开始生长的科学名称是什么?
    Young plant. 树苗。
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  • What is/are the functions of roots? 根的作用是什么?
    Take water/nutrients from the soil.从土壤中获取水分/养分。
    Make food for the plant. 为植物制造食物。
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  • What are the functions of the stem? 茎有啥作用?
    Take water from roots to the plant. Support the plant. 将水从根部输送到植物。支撑植物。
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  • What is the function of the leaves? 叶子的作用是什么?
    To provide shade for the roots.为根部提供遮荫。
    To make food for the plant. 为植物制造食物。
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  • What are the functions of a flower?花的作用有哪些?
    Look beautiful. 看上去很美。
    Attract insects. Make seeds. Make pollen/nectar.吸引昆虫。制造种子。制造
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  • Why is light so important to plants? 为什么光对植物如此重要?
    The leaves use light to make food. .叶子利用光来制造食物。
    So insects can see the plants easily. 因此昆虫可以很容易地看到植物。
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  • Why can we see The Moon? 为什么我们能看到月亮?
    It shines brightly in the sky. 它在天空中闪闪发光。
    It reflects light from the Sun 它反射来自太阳的光。
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  • How many times does the Earth turn in a day? 地球一天转多少圈?
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  • How long does it take the Earth to orbit the sun? 地球绕太阳公转一周需要多长时间?
    One month. 一个月。
    One year. 一年。
    One day. 一天。
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