Game Preview

A Long Way Home

  •  English    17     Public
    A review game before the Savvas selection test
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  • In the selection from A Long Way Home, what does the narrator remember about his original hometown?
    the ocean
    the name of the state
    the mountains
    the language spoken there
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  • In the selection from A Long Way Home, how does the narrator use Google Earth to search for his original home?
    Focuses on every train station to find one he remembers
    Sans entire map of India to find landmarks
    He traces the rivers of India from the sea inland.
    Starts at Kolkata & searches the train lines working outward
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  • In the selection from A Long Way Home, why does the narrator’s girlfriend sometimes close his laptop and put it away?
    She believes that he is becoming too absorbed.
    She wants him to participate in the conversation.
    She wants him to give up his search.
    She fears that he will never succeed in finding his home.
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  • In the selection from A Long Way Home, what are the narrator’s reasons for looking for his long-lost home?
    to reconnect with his family
    to question his elders
    to escape his adoptive family
    to reclaim his inheritance
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  • What is the first landmark found by the narrator of the selection from A Long Way Home that makes him believe that he may have found his destination?
    a windmill
    a school
    an alleyway
    a water tower
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  • What is the meaning of the suffix -ive in this sentence? She is very possessive when it comes to her favorite books.
    able to be
    tending to
    process of making
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  • Which of the following situations best illustrates the word quest?
    Alex has trouble understanding the author’s ideas.
    Caroline always raises her hand during the presentations.
    Damon has been looking for the perfect winter hike for years
    Bonita will ride her horse in the annual competition.
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  • If you do a thorough cleaning of your room, which of the following is most likely to be true? Base your answer on the meaning of thorough.
    You are careful to dust and vacuum every inch of the room.
    You determine where dirt is and focus on cleaning that part
    You use cleaning products that mask any unpleasant odors.
    You divide your room into quadrants and clean a bit of each.
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  • If a runner relentlessly trains for a race, which of the following is most likely to be true? Base your answer on the meaning of relentlessly.
    She runs faster each day that she trains.
    She exercises intensely and constantly.
    She does not accept help from a trainer.
    She acts harshly toward fellow runners.
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  • Even with the possibility of some winding, irregular paths out of Howrah, there was also a limit to how far I could have gone in the time frame. I’d spent between 12 & 15 hours. If I made some calculations, I could narrow the search.
    He is confident that faraway places don't connect to Howrah
    He recognizes one of the irregular paths out of Howrah
    He guesses his home was less than 15 hours from Howrah
    The winding paths from Howrah do not extend very far.
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  • In the selection from A Long Way Home, what is especially difficult about the narrator’s search?
    The search is in a foreign country.
    The narrator remembers no landmarks.
    The narrator no longer speaks Hindi.
    The search covers a huge area.
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  • In the selection from A Long Way Home, how does the narrator feel about his search?
    He feels that he has embarked on a foolish quest.
    He worries that his family members are no longer alive.
    He is certain that he will find his former home.
    He struggles to manage & communicate conflicting emotions
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  • Mood: Could it be—perhaps it was the ring road I used to see from the platform! Was it possible? I closed my eyes and went back 24 years in time to when I would walk to the station’s exit & see the ring road with an island in the middle.
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  • choose the sentence that best illustrates the meaning of the word cooperative.
    The pack of wolves resembled a group of lions on the hunt.
    The teacher warned students who shared answers with others
    The bus driver forced the students to sit with one another.
    The children helped one another as they cleaned the class
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  • -ive meas
    pertaining to, tending to, serving to do
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  • __________________ is the vibe, aesthetic, or feeling of a story
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