Game Preview

Hatchet: Chapters 9-13

  •  English    18     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What did Brian mean when he said, 'maybe it was always that way, discoveries happen because they needed to happen.'
    You really don't discover anything until you need it.
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  • Why did Brian think that “he had never felt so rich somehow”?
    Because he found a food source to eat.
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  • What phrase did Brian continuously repeat to himself in chapter 11?
    There were things to do.
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  • What kind of hope did Brian find building in him?
    tough hope/ hope that he could survive and take care of himself
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  • Why wasn’t Brian able to catch any fish when he first made his bow and arrow?
    He was aiming to high/ the water would make the fish appear closer than they were
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  • What did Brian use for a string on his bow?
    Shoe lace.
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  • Tell me three words that would describe how Brian felt when the plane turned and went away?
    Despair, disappointment, hopeless, sad, alone
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  • What was Brian working on when he heard the whine of the plane engine?
    A bow.
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  • As Brian looked over the lake what did he realize he could eat?
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  • What was Brian’s plan if he ever heard a plane engine roar overhead?
    Run up with a burning limb and light the signal fire
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  • How was Brian’s mind different since the crash?
    He now knew what the noises were around him, when he saw something, he really saw it, not just noticed it
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  • How had Brian begun to change physically since the crash?
    Thinner, tanned, leathery face
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  • Why did Brian want to continue thinking about the searchers?
    he felt if he stopped thinking about them, they would stop thinking about him; he knew he needed to continue hoping
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  • How did Brian eat the food source he found buried in the sand?
    roke them open with his hatchet and a stick and ate them raw
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  • What animal laid tracks in the sand that led to Brian discovering a food source?
    A turtle.
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  • What did Brian find at the shore buried in the sand?
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