Game Preview

S3 The Maze Runner

  •  English    12     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Thomas _____________ the thick vine from Alby's chest. A. prevented B. unraveled C. shuffled
    B. unraveled
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  • "What if another Griever got Alby after I __________ the one chasing me?" A. diverted B. faltered C. washed
    A. diverted
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  • The shriek cut off sharply instead of fading as the Griever ____________ to the depths beyond. A. prevented B. huddled C. plummeted
    C. plummeted
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  • These monsters are ____________. A. nip B. vicious C. stupor
    B. vicious
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  • "Thomas wasn't trying to be funny. He was just dumbfounded that the whole thing could even be an issue." What does "dumbfounded" mean?
    astonished, surprised
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  • During the short time at the Maze, Thomas had been through the whole ________ of emotions. A. gamut B. disguise C. overboard
    A. gamut
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  • Chuck was __________ his own hands. A. thrashing B. wringing C. dismissing
    B. wringing
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  • After threatening Minho and Thomas, Gally's face was red with _________. A. struggling B. banishment C. rage
    C. rage
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  • The tension was _____________. Everyone could see that these guys disliked each other. A. serious B. evasive C. palpable
    C. palpable
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  • "I nominated this _________ to replace me as the Keeper of the Runners." A. shuck B. shunk C. shank
    C. shank
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  • ______ his trash into a ball, Newt turned and looked straight at Thomas. A. straining B. crumpling C. planting
    B. crumpling
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  • __________ talked to Thomas telepathically in her sleep.
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