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Exam task - translations DPAPSP

  •  English    25     Public
    Translate parts of the sentence.
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  • Mary isn't keen on sport, and she (nie chodzi na) gym regularly.
    doesn't go to
  •  15
  • (Będziesz używać) the hairdryer, or can I take it now?
    Will you be using
  •  15
  • My cousin looks Latino, but he (nie pochodzi z) South America.
    doesn't come from
  •  15
  • (Jest czterdzieści) bedrooms in this castle!
    There are forty
  •  15
  • The pillow you're sleeping on (jest jej).
    is hers.
  •  15
  • Do you know the girl (która pływa w) the pool?
    who is swimming in
  •  15
  • Which famous person would you like to (współdzielić pokój)?
    share a room with
  •  15
  • What (są zalety mieszkania) in a small village?
    are the advantages of living
  •  15
  • Our summer house is (o wiele dalej niż) the bus stop. You'll have to walk.
    much farther than
  •  15
  • (To co mi się nie podoba) is that the bedroom is very small.
    What I don't like
  •  15
  • In music class we learn (jak grać na instrumentach).
    how to play (musical) the instruments
  •  15
  • (W której klasie) is he in?
    Which class
  •  15
  • Which school subject (on uczy)?
    does he teach
  •  15
  • If you don't know some words (sprawdź je) in a dictionary. [use phrasal verb]
    look them up
  •  15
  • How many exams (zdawałeś) last year?
    did you pass
  •  15
  • (Dobrze bawiłeś się na) school trip last weekend?
    Did you enjoy (the)
  •  15